Battling through hardships and obstacles,
Jignesh Shah has reached to the absolute top which is something only a few
people can do. Even fewer can boast of achievements like creating 10 new
generation regulated multi-asset financial markets in just 10 years across
India, Singapore, Dubai and Africa. Jignesh Shah’s resilience towards all the
difficulties he has faced shows level headedness and an innate calmness that
can come only from years of experience and hard work.
Journalist Shantanu Guha Ray analyses the
enigma that is Jignesh Shah in his book
‘The Target’. “Jignesh Shah’s companies were original IP-based innovations
that did not involve any subsidy from the government or the banks for land,
labour or taxes. For Shah, “excellence” was the only currency.”
Jignesh Shah’s rise to success was resented
by many and all his achievements and accomplishments were maligned, but all the
investigations against him are baseless even though the envious are trying
really hard to make it look otherwise.
In these trying times, Jignesh Shah has kept his cool and has waited so
that justice prevails. Ray talks about his unique genius and his unswerving
rationality. He even compares Shah with the lead character of Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas
Shrugged’ John Galt because both of them “had to fight against the system to
make it understand the benefits of modernization and the advantages of growth”
and just like Galt, “Shah, too, was at odds with the inadequacies of a system
that did not allow freedom for innovation and instead placed hurdles in the way
of the enterprising few.”
With all the recent developments that have
been occurring, anyone in Shah’s shoes would have given up and resigned to
their fate. But, as Ray put it in his book, his dedication and professionalism
towards his work along with his extreme perseverance and coolness the workings
of a genius and enigma. One of the biggest exponents of the ‘Make in India’
programme by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Shah is truly the Czar of Exchanges.