More than six years after innovator Jignesh Shah’s erstwhile spot exchange NSEL got engulfed in an alleged ₹5,600-crore payment default crisis, Shah saw a ray of hope when huge landmark judgements came in favour of him and his shareholders. Firstly, the Bombay High Court ruled that the NSEL was not a financial establishment and quashed the attachment of assets, including bank accounts and properties, of 63 Moons Technologies, the parent company of Shah-led group which was earlier known as Financial Technologies (FT). Similarly, earlier this year, the Supreme Court also set aside a government order to merge NSEL with 63 Moons which was indeed a huge relief for the company as well as its stakeholders.
Jignesh Shah hailed as the Exchange Man of India, found himself engulfed in a politico-bureawucratic-corporate conspiracy and as a result, he had to exit all his exchange businesses after NSEL crisis. It was projected by the vested interests that Jignesh Shah is fall guy of NSEL crisis. However, the truth was far from different. Only after probe, it was established that not even a single penny of the default amount has been traced to Jignesh Shah and his companies. Despite that Jignesh Shah has been repeatedly harassed and hounded through various executive actions merely based on perceptions.
However, Jignesh Shah’s incredible fighting spirit remains undamaged, as he maintains immense faith in the law of the land and in the unbiased power of judiciary. Shah believes that it is still possible to resolve the case within 6 months by following the right path to recover the entire amount of Rs. 5,600 crore from defaulters and all genuine claimants can get their full dues. Hope, justice prevails in the NSEL crisis.
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